
A cultural transformation: from theory to practice

The transformation under way at Ferrovial also entails a cultural change, including initiatives such as Shuttle 3.0, which involves employees and, by extension, teams, in creating value-added solutions.

Operating as it does in such a ‘physical’ industry, Ferrovial must make a greater effort to adapt to the innovative processes arising in the digital transformation. The digital transformation entails a cultural transformation and a change in the way of working: being more proactive and less reactive, anticipating market changes. An operating model such as Ferrovial’s requires maximum efficiency in managing these changes, in an environment in which measures for talent retention and continuous learning are ways of enhancing the competitive advantage as fast as possible.

The technology area acts company-wide as an advisor and supporter for initiatives in this area. The Digital Training and Play the Future programs help to raise awareness of how individual and team work can benefit from technology (programs, applications, systems, …) and innovation (agile methodology, lean startup, design thinking, …): it is important that all employees have an understanding of the value of technology and that they feel comfortable with it. The ‘agile’ transformation, focused on flexibility and adaptability, makes it possible, for example, to generate value more quickly under a collaborative, multidisciplinary approach to identifying opportunities and meeting objectives.

The value of technology makes it possible to optimize efficiency, and Ferrovial has tested this, first-hand and through teamwork, with initiatives such as the Shuttle 3.0 program, which encourages intrapreneurship with volunteer participation in projects and processes, coordinated by ‘sponsors’ (people with decision-making power). Examples include Buildadvisor, a ‘TripAdvisor of construction’; Ferro720, to concentrate and more efficiently connect all the information from sensors and devices on a construction site; and Ferrobrain (in the evaluation phase), which will create a search engine to unify all the information on the group’s training processes around the world.

These are just some of the projects under way, focused on such ideas as reskilling, continuous learning, identification of existing capabilities and those needed in the future, and the incorporation of new teams to adapt to new ways of working. This represents a great opportunity.


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Head of US Corporate Communications and Brand

Rebecca Rountree

+1 (512) 568-5015

External communication and media relations

Isabel Muñoz Torres