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NTEMP awards grants and senior scholarships at Northwest ISD

NTE mobility partners segments 3 has established a new partnership with the northwest ISD education foundation and northwest independent school district in 2018

The grant has been broken down into several parts. First, $7,046 of the funds was awarded to three teachers in three different elementary schools. This funding will impact 1,500 students. The three innovative teaching grants will go to STEM projects that can also be implemented in future years, meaning that the number of students impacted will increase with each academic school year.

Teachers who were selected as 2018 grant recipients were surprised during this year’s Northwest Education Foundation Grant Brigade, as NTEMPS3 was invited to help present these grant checks to the teachers and their individual elementary schools. Each year, the foundation hosts this grant brigade to surprise teachers who have applied for a grant and have been selected.

NTEM Scholarships

NTEMPS3 Innovative Teaching Grants for 2018 are the following:

  1. Cox Elementary School– Bee Bot Story Works – $1,531.92
  2. Peterson Elementary School– For Those About to ROK! – $1,823.94
  3. Prairie View Elementary School– Leader-VISION: It’s a NEWStory – $3,689.66.

Second, the remaining funds were awarded as scholarships to graduating seniors who are pursuing a career in STEM or were a part of the STEM academy during high school.

Allie Frysinger, Public Relations and Marketing for LBJ/NTE/NTE35W, represented NTE Mobility Partners Segments 3 on the NISD’s scholarship committee and helped review over 160 scholarship applications. The committee determined the best candidates to receive scholarships including the five STEM scholarships that NTEMPS3 would award to five seniors.

students awarded at Northwest ISD

Andrew Wallace, General Counsel for LBJ/NTE/NTE35W, presented three seniors with their scholarship at the Legacy Awards Ceremony held at Northwest High School. Ignacio del Pino, Deputy CEO of LBJ/NTE/NTE35W, presented the NTE Mobility Partners: Engineering the Future Scholarship to two Bryon Nelson High School graduates.

Below is a list of NTEMP scholarships awarded:

NTE Mobility Partners: Engineering the Future Scholarship

– Margaret English at Byron Nelson HS – $3,000

– Aneesha Vadde at Byron Nelson HS – $3,000

– David Hunt at Northwest HS – $3,000

– Caulter Etheredge at Northwest HS – $3,000

NTE Mobility Partners STEM Scholarship

– Jarod Compton at Northwest HS – $900

NTEMP awards grants and senior scholarships at Northwest ISD

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