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Northern Section of I-77 Express Reaches One Month Milestone

Javier Gutiérrez participated in the 5th Annual P3 Forum organized by the George Mason University Center for Transportation

North Tarrant Express (Texas, USA)

Ferrovial achieves financial close of the I-66 in Virginia, an investment of 3.550 billion dollars

Ferrovial inaugurates LBJ Express in Dallas, its new toll road with managed lanes in the US

Ferrovial-led consortium achieves financial closure for Interstate 77 in North Carolina, with an investment of 648 million dollars

Ferrovial inaugurates NTE, a cutting-edge toll road, in Texas

LBJ Express Work Progresses to Excavation Phase

Ferrovial-led consortium achieves financial close for the extension of the North Tarrant Express in Texas for 1 billon euro

Cintra advances with financing the North Tarrant Express (Texas) through a $400 million bond issue