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I-66 project and VDOT celebrate with beam-signing ceremony

Our Transform 66 Outside the Beltway team in northern Virginia placed its last beam at the I-66/Route 28 interchange on Aug. 22. After four years of non-stop project construction by dedicated crews, this marks a major milestone.

This 22.5-mile project will open in phases beginning this fall, with final completion and the opening of all roadways in December.

The project team, Virginia Department of Transportation, I-66 Express Mobility Partners (EMP) and FAM Construction celebrated together with a beam-signing ceremony. VDOT Mega Projects Director Susan Shaw, I-66 EMP CEO Javier Gutierrez and FAM Construction CEO Pablo Molla spoke at the event before joining the fun of signing the beam.

Beam signing ceremony at Transform 66 Outside the Beltway project

“There are over 900 beams on this project, and we are celebrating the last beam on an express lane bridge here at Route 28 because of the importance of this interchange. This interchange is exciting for the transportation community.”  

– VDOT Mega Projects Director Susan Shaw

Shaw, Gutierrez and Molla praised the project crews for working back-to-back all summer to get to this point. VDOT awarded the 50-year concession contract to I-66 EMP in December 2016 and construction began in April 2018.

FAM Construction, a joint venture company between Ferrovial Construction and Allan Myers, VA, is the design-build contractor. I-66 Express Mobility Partners, headquartered in Manassas, is a consortium of Cintra, Meridiam and APG. 

I-66 Project Leadership and Local Stakeholders gather to commemorate the setting of the last beam at the I-66/Route 28 interchange.
L to R: John Lynch, VDOT Northern Virginia District Administrator; Tarsem Lal, Federal Highway Administration; Charlie Warraich, VDOT Northern Virginia Construction Project Manager; Susan Shaw, VDOT Northern Virginia Mega Projects Director; Pablo Molla, FAM Construction CEO; Delegate Karrie Delany, Virginia House of Delegates; Senator Dave Marsden, Chairman Virginia Senate Transportation Committee; Monica Backmon, Northern Virginia Transportation Authority CEO; Javier Gutierrez, I-66 Express Mobility Partners CEO; Ivan Sear, FAM Construction VP of Construction; and Mike Coyle, Chief of Staff to Fairfax Supervisor Kathy Smith.
Transform 66 Outside the Beltway Project Team from VDOT, I-66 Express Mobility Partners and FAM Construction.
The I-66 Project Team from VDOT, I-66 Express Mobility Partners and FAM Construction.

I-66 project highlighted in The Washington Post and Government Technology:

I-66 toll lanes in Virginia are close to opening by end of year – The Washington Post

Partnership to Reimagine Virginia’s I-66 Thoroughfare With Tech (govtech.com)


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