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Ferrovial Vertiports CEO Kevin Cox named to Power Players in Aviation list

A resounding 93.3% majority backs the corporate reorganization at Ferrovial’s Shareholders’ Meeting 

Rafael del Pino: “Ferrovial is not leaving Spain. It will maintain its activity, employment, investments, tax contribution and listing on the Spanish stock exchanges”

Ferrovial to hold its Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting on Thursday, April 13

Ferrovial and Eve Air Mobility team up on urban air traffic in the United States and Europe

Dalaman Airport kicks off the new summer season

Ferrovial increased EBITDA by 7.7% in like-for-like terms to €728 million in 2022

Annual Results 2022 | Ferrovial

New Terminal One at JFK builds out executive leadership team with new key hires

New Terminal One, P3 project of the year by Project Finance International