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Ferrovial will expand three Texas roadways worth USD 265 million

Ferrovial launches the 13th edition of Social Infrastructures to finance water and sanitation projects

January – March Results 2023 | Ferrovial

Ferrovial awarded the improvement of I-85 in Atlanta for USD 79 million

Ferrovial awarded the management of Santiago de Compostela’s lighting system for €42 million

Ferrovial lays first stone on solar photovoltaic project in Texas

Ferrovial Construction UK reports record revenue of £493 million in 2022

Ferrovial Selected as Best Value Proposer in Georgia

A resounding 93.3% majority backs the corporate reorganization at Ferrovial’s Shareholders’ Meeting 

Rafael del Pino: “Ferrovial is not leaving Spain. It will maintain its activity, employment, investments, tax contribution and listing on the Spanish stock exchanges”