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January – March Results 2023 | Ferrovial

Cintra joins USDOT’s efforts to reduce roadway fatalities

Ferrovial to participate in “Digitizing the Old: The Evolution of Transportation Infrastructure” panel at ITS America 2023

A resounding 93.3% majority backs the corporate reorganization at Ferrovial’s Shareholders’ Meeting 

Rafael del Pino: “Ferrovial is not leaving Spain. It will maintain its activity, employment, investments, tax contribution and listing on the Spanish stock exchanges”

Ferrovial to hold its Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting on Thursday, April 13

Ferrovial talks high-tech highways, connected and autonomous vehicles at SXSW 2023

Cintra’s economic impact in the state of Texas tops $17 billion

Ferrovial to present “The Highway is Calling and Your Car is Answering” panel at SXSW 2023

Ferrovial increased EBITDA by 7.7% in like-for-like terms to €728 million in 2022