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Ferrovial to transform Madrid’s Paseo de la Castellana by depressing the road for 98 million euro

Ferrovial acquires a 257MWdc PV project in Texas, powering 36,000 households

2023 Annual Results

Ferrovial EBITDA increased by 34.1% in the first nine months of 2023

Ferrovial to extend FGC Line 8 in Barcelona for €300 million

Ferrovial awarded water contract in Central Texas worth $200M

Webber expands into South Carolina with awarded airport construction contract

Webber expands into South Carolina with awarded airport construction contract

Ferrovial to invest €75 million in the construction of two solar photovoltaic power plants in Andalusia, Spain

CIMSA chosen to renovate the Casa del Labrador in Aranjuez