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Cintra attains 95.8 million euro in EBITDA in the first quarter (-4.1%)

Cintra increased EBITDA by 8% to 346.4 million euro in the first half of 2008

Ferrovial’s EBITDA totalled 1,284 million euro in the first half of 2008

Ferrovials EBITDA reached EUR556.7m in Q1 2008

BAA response to CAA and CC review of Stansted Airport charges in Q5

Ferrovial EBITDA up 31% to 3.04bn

Ferrovial increased net income by 143% to 808.8 million euro in the first nine months of 2007

At euros 112.8 million, Ferrovials net income is up 55.7% in the first nine months of the year

Ferrovial’s Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting approves the best results in the Group’s history, in its first year on the stock market

Ferrovial resolves the amortization of its old treasury stock