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Ferrovial develops a methodology to mitigate the effects of climate change on its infrastructure

Ferrovial adopts the TNFD framework for biodiversity and nature conservation

Ferrovial is one of the first companies to adopt the recommendations of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) as part of its commitment to sustainability and the conservation of nature and ecosystems.

AGS Airports Ltd to trial new artificial intelligence-led technology at security sites in all their airports

Ferrovial increases its stake in the Virginia I-66 Managed Lanes project to 55.704%

Ferrovial successfully completes testing first phase of its persistent disinfectant against COVID-19

Turning Challenges into Opportunities

We are Ferrovial

Energy control center: smart consumption

Ferrovial 1Q 2019 Financial Results

Annual Results 2018 – Ernesto López Mozo, CFO