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Rafael del Pino highlights Ferrovial’s strong financial position with which to weather the effects of the pandemic

Aircraft lands in Madrid with 620,000 Ferrovial masks

Ferrovial successfully builds the first COVID-Express Test Centers in the Balearic Islands

Ferrovial sets up the “Ferrovial Juntos COVID-19” fund, contributing up to €10 million

Photos Ferrovial against Covid-19

Interview with Ignacio Madridejos. CEO of Ferrovial: “Our primary goal is to protect the health of our employees”

Ferrovial steps up the fight against COVID-19

Ferrovial assigns 830 parking spaces for use by healthcare staff

Comment on the impact of Covid-19 on Ferrovial

The Community of Madrid launches, together with Ferrovial and other technology companies, a pioneering website for coronavirus