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Ferrovial to build a section of Paris Metro using electricity from renewable sources

Ferrovial acquires a 257MWdc PV project in Texas, powering 36,000 households

Ferrovial strengthens its participation in the ITER scientific project by winning two new contracts

Ferrovial to build two photovoltaic plants in Soria with capacity to supply 30,000 households

María José Esteruelas appointed CEO of Ferrovial Energy

Ferrovial lays first stone of Zamora’s renewable district heating system

Ferrovial promotes the use of advanced biofuels for generating clean electricity

Ferrovial installs electric car charging points in Torrejón de Ardoz and advances with its Energy Solutions

Photovoltaic Solar Plant, “El Berrocal Solar PV” Seville, Spain

Ferrovial awarded the management of Santiago de Compostela’s lighting system for €42 million