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Ferrovial firmly established as the most sustainable company in Europe, according to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index

Ferrovial develops a methodology to mitigate the effects of climate change on its infrastructure

Ferrovial adopts the TNFD framework for biodiversity and nature conservation

Ferrovial is one of the first companies to adopt the recommendations of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) as part of its commitment to sustainability and the conservation of nature and ecosystems.

Ferrovial is selling its stake in ‘Zity by Mobilize’ to Renault Group

Ferrovial joins “Earth Hour,” the global initiative against climate change.

YDA Dalaman Airport Elevates Two Levels in Carbon Accreditation Program at Once

Ferrovial recognized once again as a world leader in sustainability by GRESB

Sydney’s Northern Beaches Hospital connection achieves ‘Excellent’ rating for design and construction

INCA: Pioneering innovation, sustainable infrastructure

Cadagua starts up the first ANAMMOX® reactor in Spain at the Rubí WWTP