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Ferrovial completes 1.2 billion-dollar refinancing of the NTE toll road in Texas

Ferrovial Agroman Chile: the first construction company to obtain BIM certification under ISO 19650 in the country.

Ferrovial in Chile: the first construction company to obtain BIM certification under ISO 19650 in the country.

Ignacio Madridejos, Ferrovial’s CEO, Takes Part in the COP25

Contracts signed as the Silvertown Tunnel passes another major milestone

Ferrovial Services Awarded Maintenance on the AP1 and the M40

TECPRESA Installs the Lock Coil Rope stay cables of two new structures

Ferrovial Receives the ‘Smart Cities and Territories’ Award, Presented by the Premios Ciudadanos

Budimex SA awarded as part of the “Budowa Roku 2018” competition

Industry 4.0 by digitalizing assets