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Ferrovial sells 5% stake in IRB Infrastructure Developers for 214 million euro
Ferrovial, una de las principales compañías de infraestructuras del mundo, ha vendido a través de su filial Cintra un 5% del capital de la sociedad india IRB Infrastructure Developers (IRB) por 214 millones de euros (suponiendo un tipo de cambio EUR/INR de 89,72).
Ferrovial acquires a 257MWdc PV project in Texas, powering 36,000 households
Ferrovial awarded $1.2B in infrastructure projects in the US and Canada
Ferrovial begins construction of the 3.7 billion euro high-speed railway line connecting the Baltic countries
Ferrovial, Acciona and Sacyr to develop Lima’s Peripheral Ring Road for USD 3.4 billion
Halo infrastructure in Vigo (Spain)
Ferrovial develops a methodology to mitigate the effects of climate change on its infrastructure
The Frank Gehry designed Marqués de Riscal Hotel
Tag-along rights exercise in the framework of the agreement for the sale of Heathrow
Ferrovial announces agreement to sell its stake in Heathrow, subject to certain rights of the other shareholders