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Ignacio Madridejos: “The market is recognizing the success of our strategy”

Ferrovial Launches ‘Foresight’, the Open Innovation Platform to Explore the Future of Transport Infrastructure

Ferrovial completes refinancing of the LBJ Express Highway in Texas for $622 million

Ferrovial Tests the CD-CLEAN EIT Urban Mobility Disinfectant Solution on Barcelona Urban Transport

Ruta del Cacao. Colombia: voussoirs of the Río Sucío viaduct completed after work resumed

Ferrovial led group of companies that worked with EMT to develop EMT Smart Bus Madrid

ZITY Completes De-escalation Faster Than All of Madrid’s Mobility

Ferrovial inaugurates a new section of divided highway on the Ruta del Cacao in Colombia

Ferrovial awarded reconstruction of Texas highway SL12 worth $301 million

Ferrovial and Groupe Renault sign a strategic agreement to extend ZITY in other cities