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New edition of Stronger Together (Juntos Sumamos) selects social projects by Manos Unidas, Fontilles and Aldeas Infantiles

Find out the latest company news from February 2017

Amey trials new schemes to help improve safety and wellbeing of waste teams

Presentation at the Mobile World Congress on IMPACT GROWTH, Europe’s start-up accelerator programme

Íñigo Meirás, in the top 10 of Spain’s best CEOs in 2016

Ferrovial certified as a Top Employer for the seventh year running

Fundación Envera distinguishes Ferrovial as the most influential Spanish company on Corporate Responsibility

Australian Prime Minister tours Toowoomba works

Take a look at Ferrovial’s 2016 highlights

Ferrovial Serviços drives a social project in a women’s prison in Portugal