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Rafael Fernández, Ferrovial’s Director of Innovation“To lead the future of infrastructures and services, Ferrovial has to be more Ferrovial, it doesn’t need to be Google”

Easternwell promotes employee well-being through the ‘Live Well’ program

Alejandro de la Joya and Ignacio Gastón appointed CEOs of Cintra and Ferrovial Agroman, respectively

Madrid City Hall’s green roof combines social and environmental commitment

Ferrovial has announced that it has engaged an external consultant to explore the sale of its Services division

Get yourself up to speed on September’s news highlights

Bruno Di Leo appointed independent director of Ferrovial

Ferrovial Services’ Trade School and the municipality of A Coruña complete the second training course for persons at risk from social exclusion

Ferrovial again shows its commitment to young talent through the “Orienta-T” programme

Take a look at Ferrovial’s summer news July – August 2018