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Over 40 projects were submitted to the Ferrovial Robot Challenge at the Global Robot Expo

Northern Line Extension unveils tunnelling machines

Third lanes on the Ruta 5 Sur highway in Angostura (Chile) now open

Ferrovial awarded contract to expand I-45 in Texas, worth 111 million euro

Australian Prime Minister tours Toowoomba works

Ferrovial Services developing innovative waste collection system in Galicia

Cintra wins the Project Finance International award for the D4/R7 highway

Ferrovial to build Gouvaes hydroelectric plant in Portugal, worth 80 million euro, for Iberdrola

Cadagua adds a further five desalination plants in 2016, with a production output of more than 335,000 m3 of water per day

Budimex awarded new projects for construction and improvement of infrastructures in Poland