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Cintra obtained 354.5 million euro in EBITDA through September

Cintra obtained 205 million euro in EBITDA in the first half of 2009

In the first quarter of 2009, Ferrovials EBITDA reached EUR522.1m, up 0.8% (+11.3% like-for-like)

Cintra attains 95.8 million euro in EBITDA in the first quarter (-4.1%)

Annual Report 2008

Cintra’s revenues rose by 3.1% to 735.9 million euro in 2008

Cintra’s revenues rose by 3.1% to 735.9 million euro in 2008

EBITDA at Ferrovial reached 2,118m in the nine months to September

Ferrovial’s EBITDA totalled 1,284 million euro in the first half of 2008

Ferrovials EBITDA reached EUR556.7m in Q1 2008