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Cintra celebrates its first year on the stock market with an appreciation of 18%

Cintra increased EBITDA by 39.7% to 347.6 million euro through September

Cintra recoups 44 per cent of the investment in Chicago Skyway in just 7 months

Ferrovial net profit up 44.7 per cent through June to 198.2 million euro

Cintra increased EBITDA through June by 38.8% to 212.4 million euro

Ferrovial obtained 77.7 million euro in net profit in the first quarter of 2005, an 11.3% increase

Cintra net profit up 166 per cent through March 2005

Cintras shareholders approve the companys results and strategy at the first Annual Meeting since the IPO

Ferrovials shareholders back the consolidation of a group with a more stable earnings

Ferrovial obtained 556.8 million euro in net income in 2004, a 63.5% increase