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Ferrovial celebrates opening of NTE 35W Segment 3C in Texas – a more than $1 billion investment in improving America’s roadways

Webber Awarded $265M for Expansion of Three Roadways in Texas

Ferrovial will expand three Texas roadways worth USD 265 million

Ferrovial to participate in “Digitizing the Old: The Evolution of Transportation Infrastructure” panel at ITS America 2023

Webber Wins Two “We Build Texas” Awards

Webber Wins Two ‘We Build Texas’ Awards

Ferrovial talks high-tech highways, connected and autonomous vehicles at SXSW 2023

Cintra’s economic impact in the state of Texas tops $17 billion

Ferrovial to present “The Highway is Calling and Your Car is Answering” panel at SXSW 2023

Ferrovial introduces NextPass, a new toll payment app