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Summary of Ferrovial News September 2015

Ferrovial inaugurates LBJ Express in Dallas, its new toll road with managed lanes in the US

Ferrovial’s Polish Branch to Build Suwalki Beltway

Find out the most relevant news from the summer at a glance

Ferrovial achieves Contractual Close for Toowoomba Second Range Crossing project in Australia

Amey and Arup to design Smart Motorway Programme

Ferrovial consortium’s bid chosen for Toowoomba toll road project worth 1.6 billion Australian dollars, located in Queensland (Australia)

We have put together the Ferrovial Group’s most prominent pieces of news from May and June in a video

Northern Beaches Hospital Connectivity and Network Enhancement Project awarded to Ferrovial York Joint Venture

Ferrovial Agroman has left a lasting impression on Port Stephens Community