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Ferrovial reports 720 million euro in net profit, a 79% increase

Ferrovial Results 2015 – Íñigo Meirás – CEO

Ferrovial Results 2015 – CFO – Ernesto López Mozo

Ferrovial-led consortium chosen to rebuild I-285/SR 400 in Atlanta for 460 million dollars

Ferrovial included for the second consecutive year in the IR Magazine Global Top 50

Ferrovial submits takeover offer for 100% of the shares in Australian company Broadspectrum

Ferrovial sells stake in Chicago Skyway concession to three pension funds for 2.836 billion dollars

Ferrovial Results January-September 2015

6th World Infrastructure Summit attended by Cintra

Ferrovial achieves Contractual Close for Toowoomba Second Range Crossing project in Australia