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Cintra shareholders ratify merger with Ferrovial, to be completed early in December

BAA sells Gatwick airport for 1.657 billion euro

Ferrovial’s shareholders approve the merger with Cintra to create a leading transport infrastructure operator

BAA response to Department for Transport

Ferrovial notifies of fairness opinions and financial information related to Cintra-Ferrovial merger project

Budimex selected as “best value proposal” to construct a highway in Poland

The Board of Directors of GRUPO FERROVIAL, S.A. has agreed in its meeting celebrated today, to convene an Extraordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting

The Boards of Directors for CINTRA and FERROVIAL have unanimously approved the Joint Merger Project of both companies

Ferrovials EBITDA in the first half of 2009 totaled 1.18 billion euro, an increase of 8.6% in like-for-like terms

Cintra clinches sale of its car park division for 451 million euro