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Rafael del Pino highlights Ferrovial’s healthy finances, with a record level of liquidity

Annual Results 2020 – Ignacio Madridejos

Ferrovial reports €409 million EBITDA compared to last year’s €121 million

Ferrovial increases its majority stake in the North Carolina I-77 Managed Lanes project

Ferrovial places a €500 million 8-year bond with a 0.54% coupon

Ferrovial reports €241 million in EBITDA in the first nine months of 2020

Ferrovial completes refinancing of the LBJ Express Highway in Texas for $622 million

Ferrovial sells stakes in two Portuguese availability-based PPP roads to DIF Capital Partners for 171 million euros

Ferrovial reports €128 million in EBITDA in the first half

Ferrovial completes sale of Broadspectrum to Ventia for 465 million Australian dollar