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Houston Food Bank Receives $67,000 Donation from Ferrovial and Webber Amid COVID-19 Crisis

Ferrovial Donates $67,000 to the Tarrant Area Food Bank

Ferrovial Commits More Than $1 Million in Contributions to U. S. COVID-19 Recovery Efforts

1,100 Instagrammers participate in Ferrovial’s #UrbanPeekAtHome, posting portraits of the pandemic from 100 cities

Ferrovial donates €7.22 million out of the “Ferrovial Together COVID-19” fund for healthcare equipment, research and social assistance

Latest news about Ferrovial’s messages on Social Networks regarding the COVID19 crisis

Northern Beaches donation to community

Ferrovial allocates an initial first €3.5 million tranche of the “Ferrovial Juntos COVID-19” funds to healthcare equipment, research and social assistance

Heathrow Community Trust deploys £95k for emergency COVID-19 support

Ruta del Cacao Donates Staple Products to the Most Vulnerable Families Along Its Corridor