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Ferrovial sells its 50% stake in Autopista Trados 45 for 67 million euro

Cintra shareholders ratify merger with Ferrovial, to be completed early in December

Ferrovial’s shareholders approve the merger with Cintra to create a leading transport infrastructure operator

Cintra-Ferrovial merger creates a leader in transportation infrastructure management

The Boards of Directors for CINTRA and FERROVIAL have unanimously approved the Joint Merger Project of both companies

Ferrovial net profit increased by 219% to 756 million euro in the first half of 2007

Ferrovial increased net profit to 449 million euro in the first quarter of 2007, a 303% increase

Ferrovial attains 1,426 million euro net profit in 2006

BAA response to Office of Fair Trading study

Cintra acquires a new toll road in Chile which connects its four other roads in the country