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Ferrovial Agroman Chile is recognised once again for its performance in occupational risk prevention

Michelle Bachelet officially opens line 6 of Santiago de Chile’s underground system

President Michelle Bachelet takes part in the initial tests on Line 6 of Santiago de Chile’s underground system

Ferrovial Agroman Chile awarded for their management of occupational health, safety and prevention

Third lanes on the Ruta 5 Sur highway in Angostura (Chile) now open

The new Angostura toll plaza on Chile’s Pan-American Highway comes into operation

Ferrovial at the 5th Latin American Congress on Desalination and Water Reuse

Ferrovial enters electricity transmission business with the acquisition of Transchile

The excavation of the subway tunnels of Line 6 is completed in Santiago de Chile

Ferrovial Agroman to build a hydroelectric power plant for Endesa in Chile for 182 million euro