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Ferrovial contributes to enhancing mobility in Vigo with the construction of the Halo

Halo infrastructure in Vigo (Spain)

Ferrovial and RWE team up on offshore wind in Spain

Ferrovial Services adds ten new vehicles to improve waste collection for the eight municipalities in the As Mariñas Consortium

Espiño Tunnel

The NGOs Chosen by Employees Sign Collaboration Agreements with Ferrovial

Ferrovial Services’ Trade School and the municipality of A Coruña complete the second training course for persons at risk from social exclusion

Full speed ahead in Spain: Ferrovial Agroman commissions the Puebla de San Julián by-pass in Lugo

Ferrovial to manage Santiago de Compostela’s cultural and social community centres

Sand martin nests found during construction of the Padornelo Tunnel