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Cadagua develops marine phytoplankton early detection system

Ferrovial Services developing innovative waste collection system in Galicia

Ferrovial Services improves street lighting efficiency in Riveira

Ferrovial Services will be responsible for industrial maintenance at Navantia shipyard in Galicia

Ferrovial Services completes circular economy project which turns polyurethane waste into thermal insulation, detergents and adhesives

Ferrovial signs a deal with CTAG to develop autonomous vehicles

Ferrovial Services wins contract to maintain Peugeot Citroën factory in Vigo

Ferrovial to manage Ourense University Hospital Complex under a contract worth 146 million euro

Ferrovial lands 108.8 million euro contract to build a section of Spain’s high-speed railway to Galiciare maintenance contract in Sheffield

Two projects built by Ferrovial in Spain and the Dominican Republic win the VIII International Puente de Alcántara Prize