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Ferrovial and Rubau set to upgrade and expand Catalonia’s largest drinking water treatment plant

PLW Waterworks, a subsidiary of Ferrovial, awarded water contract in Central Texas worth $200M

Ferrovial awarded water contract in Central Texas worth $200M

The Papresa iWWTP built by Cadagua has opened

Ferrovial participates once more in the European Women in Construction & Engineering Awards

Cadagua is awarded O&M for the Caldes WTP, 80 km of manifolds, and 20 pumping stations

Cadagua awarded with almost €100 million in Madrid

Cadagua and Ferrovial Construction are awarded the ozonation facility at the Venta Alta WWTP

Ferrovial becomes first infrastructure company to obtain corporate governance certification from AENOR

CADAGUA is participating in the 36th AEAS Conference