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Ferrovial sells stakes in two Portuguese toll roads to Dutch fund manager DIF for 159 million euros

Phase 1 of Highway 407 East opens to traffic in Toronto

Cintra wins the “Asia Pacific deal of the year” award for Toowoomba highway project

Ferrovial Agroman Toowoomba Second Range Crossing awarded Best Road Project at Partnership Awards 2016

Ferrovial signs a deal with CTAG to develop autonomous vehicles

Toowoomba Second Range Crossing project celebrates sod turning ceremony

Cintra shows commitment to innovation in roads with new app for toll payments

Ferrovial closes refinancing of the Autopista del Sol toll road in Málaga

Annual profit increase of 39,6% for Ferrovial’s 407 International in Toronto

Cintra wins the Road Deal of the Year award for the Toowoomba toll road