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Ferrovial to transfer 40% of Intervial Chile, formerly Cintra Chile, to ISA

Ferrovial provides grant for math and science school program in Texas

Journey to the depths of Serrano: a car park in the heart of Madrid

A highway in the Atlantic Ocean: Ferrovial Agroman is building a new piece of infrastructure for Cintra on the island of San Miguel (Azores)

Ferrovial receives top prize at the European Excellence Awards 2010

Ferrovial sells 10% of 407 Express Toll Route to Canada Pension Plan Investment Board for 894 million Canadian dollars

Ferrovial completes sale of 60% of Cintra Chile to ISA for 229 million euro

Highway to the future: Cintra promotes its first ‘managed lanes’ in Texas

Ferrovial sells its 50% stake in Autopista Trados 45 for 67 million euro

Ferrovial takes steps to sell 10% of 407 Express Toll Route (ETR) in Canada