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Cintra recoups 44 per cent of the investment in Chicago Skyway in just 7 months

Cintra increased EBITDA through June by 38.8% to 212.4 million euro

Cintra values its main assets at 5.772 billion euro as of June 2005, a 14.7% increase in six months

Cintra obtains 30-year concession to build and operate M-203 toll road in Madrid

Cintra joins the Ibex-35 index just eight months after its IPO

Cintra net profit up 166 per cent through March 2005

The Radial 4 road exceeds 5 million transits in its first year

Cintra syndicated loan for Chicago Skyway project oversubscribed two-fold

Cintras shareholders approve the companys results and strategy at the first Annual Meeting since the IPO

Signature of the Trans-Texas Corridor contract