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Ferrovial and Sngular sign a strategic alliance focused on applying AI in the sustainable infrastructure business

Ferrovial participates for the tenth time in South Summit

Ana Méndez, best engineer in the Tunneling & Underground category at WICE awards

Ferrovial launches the 13th edition of Social Infrastructures to finance water and sanitation projects

Ferrovial increases EBITDA by 39.4% in the first quarter

Ferrovial awarded the management of Santiago de Compostela’s lighting system for €42 million

Ferrovial launches pioneering generative artificial intelligence assistant for employees

Ferrovial Shareholders Take Steps Toward Possible US Listing

Rafael del Pino: “Ferrovial is not leaving Spain. It will maintain its activity, employment, investments, tax contribution and listing on the Spanish stock exchanges”

Ferrovial to hold its Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting on Thursday, April 13