Heathrow saw its busiest ever January with a record 5.45 million passengers travelling through the airport’s terminals. This figure represents an increase of 1.3% in passenger traffic compared with January 2014.
Another highlight was the transfer passengers, that make such long-haul routes viable, with year-on-year volumes up 4.3%. Highlights concerning the emerging markets include passenger traffic with Mexico increasing 17.9% and Brazil 4.7%. The Middle East & Central Asia also saw growth of 4.9% and passenger volumes to China grew 2.0%. Larger, fuller, quieter aircraft at Heathrow continued to be a driver for passenger growth. Seats per aircraft increased 2.0% to 209.0, while load factors increased 0.2 percentage points to 70.7%. Passengers per aircraft rose 2.2% to 147.7
Heathrow CEO John Holland-Kaye said: “I have been overwhelmed by the support from our local community, businesses, Chambers of Commerce and politicians all over the country, unions and airlines. Politicians can now have the confidence that expanding Heathrow is not only Best for Britain, but also Backed by Britain.”
More info: Heathrow traffic and business commentary January 2015