Ferrovial has again obtained the highest rating (AAA) in the Morgan Stanley Capital Indexes (MSCI) for the Heavy Construction sector.
The MSCI rating agency has placed Ferrovial in the triple A (AAA) category, positively valuing the “Target Zero” objective in its accident frequency rate, focused on raising awareness and working towards having zero accidents per day. The company is one of the most important in Spain in terms of water treatment services and waste collection and treatment plants, which places Ferrovial in a good position for building on the growth experienced within this sector. Ferrovial has stringent measures in place to control and assess carbon emissions in the operations of each of its business units.
Morgan Stanley Capital Indexes is an independent rating agency serving 97 of the 100 major asset managers in the world. MSCI is a benchmark index charting the evolution of the values of companies listed on the stock exchanges of different countries throughout the world. The index takes into account governance, sustainability and social aspects, rating them in terms of performance.
Ferrovial is included in several sustainability indexes. 2015 marked its fourteenth year running in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI), and its inclusion in the DJSI Europe and DJSI World indices. Its sustainability credentials are further strengthened by its inclusion in other indexes, such as the FTSE4Good from 2005 (and the Spanish version of the index, FTSE4Good IBEX, since 2008), the CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project), and STOXX since 2010, all of which confirm the company’s staunch commitment to Corporate Responsibility.