Ferrovial at the 5th Latin American Congress on Desalination and Water Reuse


Desal 2016 Conference

Desal 2016 Congress was held in Santiago de Chile from the 5th  to 7th October, and its purpose was the seawater desalination and water reuse as alternatives for new water supply; Ferrovial was present through Ferrovial Agroman and Cadagua companies.

This international forum has received more than 270 attendees, 55 technical presentations by authors from 16 countries and 5 plenary sessions and has been a great networking opportunity between public and private sectors.
The Congress arose as a result of the water shortage due to climate change, that has made mining companies to explore new alternatives for the supply of this valuable and scarced resource; one of them is seawater desalination. In Desal2016 Congress issues such as the design and construction of desalination plants, wastewater reuse, environmental aspects of desalination, new desalination technologies and systems of water transport over long distances and height, are among others dealt with.

Participation of Ferrovial in Desal Congress 2016 Edition

Ferrovial, through Ferrovial Agroman and Cadagua, exhibited at their booth their most important projects executed in this field of specialization. It also offered presentations:

  • Improvement of the energy efficiency after the replacement of Pelton turbines by isobaric chambers by Cadagua experts Manuel Polo, Eva Muñoz, Marian Ruiz e Ignacio Zúñiga.
  • Design, operation and maintenance of pipelines of open intakes in desalination plants by Carlos Cordón

In representation of Ferrovial Agroman Chile has assisted Bruno Frazzoni, Development Manager in this country.
Ferrovial has been present in Chile since 1990 and has developed important projects in the infrastructure area and the management of water.
About DESAL Desal is organized by ALADYR – Latin American Association of Desalination and Reuse of water– and Gecamin, held every two years and seeks to generate a global network of contacts and exchange of technological information


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