Broadspectrum to sponsor scholarships for women in technical studies


sponsor scholarships for women in technical studies

The company has signed agreements with Monash University and Sydney’s University of Technology to provide scholarships for women studying science, technology, engineering or mathematics.

As part of its aim to promote equality and diversity, Broadspectrum will provide year-long scholarships to women studying science, technology, engineering or mathematics. Following the signature of agreements with Monash University and Sydney’s University of Technology, the scholarships programme is due to begin in 2018.

Angelique Nesbitt, the manager responsible for Broadspecturm’s inclusion and diversity policy, has said: “This initiative aims to support women studying in fields where they are currently under represented. We are proud to have increased our female participation by five per cent in the last five years, taking the female participation in our organisation five to ten per cent higher than similar industries, and we are continuously looking at ways to promote gender equality in the workforce.”

Maritza Messina, Business Relationships Manager at the Sydney University Faculty of Engineering and IT, was highly satisfied with the agreement. “We are delighted to welcome Broadspectrum to our scholarship programme and hope that it will encourage more women to take up technical studies, enabling them to access career opportunities in new fields.”

This scholarship programme for women is not Broadspectrum’s only initiative for promoting equality. For example, the company has a policy on equality and respect in the workplace which staff must adhere to, and is striving to improve the work-life balance through its policy on flexibility.

Moreover, the company has set a level of 50% participation for women when selecting candidates for its graduate programme #SpectrumGrad – which has recently won the Best Graduate Development Programme in Australia award –, and sponsors the Association of Executive Women Australia.


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