Javier Gutiérrez participated in the 5th Annual P3 Forum organized by the George Mason University Center for Transportation

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Javier Gutiérrez, CEO Javier Gutiérrez, I-66 highway CEO, participated in a panel on Regional Highway Programs

Javier Gutiérrez, I-66 highway CEO, participated in a panel on Regional Highway Programs included in the 5th Annual P3 Forum.


Javier GutiérrezI-66 highway CEO, participated in a panel on Regional Highway Programs included in the 5th Annual P3 Forum organized by the George Mason University Center for Transportation last month, together with officials from Maryland who are exploring a P3 for congestion relief on I-495 and I-270.

Given that the Washington DC metropolitan area has some of the worst traffic congestion in the United States, this panel was one of the most interesting of this event.

Other panels included discussions of New Models for P3 Delivery, National Market and Policy Outlook discussions, and addressing smart mobility through P3 programs.

Panel speakers were from the US Department of Transportation, the World Bank’s Rail Development Program and the Washington DC Department of Transportation.

Panel speakers were from the US Department of Transportation, the World Bank’s Rail Development Program and the Washington DC Department of Transportation.

The I-66 Outside the Beltway Project is one of the highest profile infrastructure projects in the Washington region. Currently, up to 200,000 vehicles travel the I-66 corridor each day with congestion ranging 8 to 10 hours.  Known as Transform66 Outside the Beltway, construction began in 2018 along the 22.5-mile corridor and will be completed in late 2022. The project will feature two Managed Lanes in each direction and three general purpose lanes, as well as 4,000 park and ride spaces, expanded transit and a shared use bicycle-pedestrian path network.​


The I-66 Outside the Beltway Project is one of the highest profile infrastructure projects in the Washington region.


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