We want to reinforce good driving habits and stress safety for all of our students. Thank you to TEXpress and Teens in the Driver Seat for being our partner in teaching our students the importance and responsibility of driving on our roads.

Teens in the Driver Seat is a peer-to-peer safety program for new and young drivers that focuses solely on traffic safety and addresses all major risks for this age group. The program slowed during the pandemic, so our TEXpress concessions decided to partner with the organization and others to relaunch the program in North Texas. The event was held during National Teen Driver Safety Week to further promote safe driving habits and highlight the consequences of distracted driving.
For TEXpress, safety is our highest priority, period. Teens are a key part of the solution. We are honored to play a small, yet significant role in helping young drivers understand the importance of developing safe driving habits from the very beginning of their driving experience. We want to help create an environment of safe driving for all motorists on all of Texas’ roadways.
The event included signing a pledge and safety games focused on getting teens to understand how being distracted or impaired can severley affect their ability to drive and respond quickly and safely.
TEXpress hopes to expand the Teens in the Driver Seat program across North Texas in the school districts where it already has education foundation partnerships. Andy Nguyen, LBJ Marketing Manager, says they plan to make this a bi-annual event.