
Cadagua awarded with almost €100 million in Madrid

Cadagua has been awarded by Canal de Isabel II and for a period of five years with the Operation and Maintenance contracts of the largest treatment plant in the community of Madrid, SUR WWTP, as well as an important group of 16 treatment plants that make up the Cuenca de Guadarrama group.

The  Sur Wastewater Treatment Plant, with a flow rate of 518,400 m3/d, treats the wastewater of a population equivalent to 3 million inhabitants and among its facilities stands out the important cogeneration of energy from the biogas produced in its anaerobic digesters built by Cadagua 40 years ago, as well as the state-of-the-art phosphorus recovery plant for use as fertilizer, which with a production capacity of up to two tons of struvite per day, is a clear example of circular economy in the sector.

On the other hand, among the 16 treatment plants in the Guadarrama Basin, stands out the Reguera WWTP with 80,000 m3/d, which serves the towns of Móstoles, Fuenlabrada and Alcorcón; the Arroyo El Plantio WWTP, which purifies the waters of Las Rozas and Majadahonda, or the Arroyo Valenoso WWTP, which has membrane bioreactor technology, obtaining high-quality water for subsequent reuse.

These new contracts, that add up a total of 91 million euros, renew the trust placed in Cadagua by a client as relevant as Canal de Isabel II and consolidate Cadagua in the O&M market in Spain as a leader in the wastewater treatment. 

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