Generacciona, an initiative which aims to maximise the talents of different age groups or generations in the workplace, has set up the “Generation and Talent Observatory” with the support of the Comillas Pontifical University and a number of Spanish and international companies such as Ferrovial, BBVA, Novartis and Repsol.
Ferrovial, together with the Comillas Pontifical University and other leading companies, is a member of the Generation and Talent Observatory created by Generacciona to identify and build on the values and characteristics that each of the different generations (Generation Y – or Millennials, as they are better known –, Generation X, Baby Boomers and Traditionalists) has to offer. The key objective of the Observatory is to compile a study on how to leverage talent, improve the management of generational diversity within organisations, and identify indicators for drawing conclusions and forecasts in terms of profitability and competitiveness. This would enable the design of a unique value-added package for each generation, thus fostering employee attraction, retention, motivation and engagement.
A group of employees from member companies of the Observatory, together with representatives of 25 companies of the likes of BBVA, ENAGAS, Gas Natural Fenosa, MAPFRE, Novartis, Orange, Repsol and Santander, were invited to participate in a series of workshops. Throughout the various sessions, they looked at the values, priorities, motivations and contributions that employers should consider for developing the skills, knowledge and talent of a particular age group in order to achieve optimal performance of the relevant generation in the workplace.
This was part of the second forum held on Tuesday, 26 January and hosted by Ferrovial’s Corporate University SUMMA, where employees born between 1968 and 1983 (Generation X) held focus group discussions regarding their generation’s values, development, knowledge and skills.
Managing diversity is a basic pillar of Ferrovial’s strategy for people management. As Silvia Lázaro, Internal Communications, Engagement & Diversity Director, points out: “If we are to anticipate the changing needs of our internal clients, the rapid pace of technological innovation and the transformation of the demands of our interest groups, managing diversity is not merely an option, it is a business imperative”.
Ferrovial’s workforce currently embraces four different generations, each of them with very different ways of working, ways of thinking, needs and expectations. Proper management of generational diversity can provide benefits for both employees and organisations, in the form of synergies, innovative solutions, increased engagement, cultural enrichment, etc.