
Ferrovial welcomes Capgemini as a partner in the AIVIA initiative to develop the 5G highways of the future

  • Capgemini joins partners such as Microsoft, 3M and Kapsch TrafficCom.
  • AIVIA develops Orchestrated Connected Corridor solutions to enable conventional and autonomous vehicles to coexist.
  • It is driving new technologies in safety and mobility that are adapted to the trend towards increasingly autonomous vehicles.

Ferrovial and Capgemini have announced that the latter is joining AIVIA Orchestrated Connected Corridors, an initiative to develop 5G smart roads with advanced oversight, sensorization and simulation technology. Other partners in the initiative include Microsoft, 3M and Kapsch TrafficCom. The project includes road infrastructure technologies to improve the traveler experience in such areas as safety, reliable travel times and on-board access to infotainment.

Other companies are expected to join the AIVIA initiative in order to contribute their expertise to implementing the digital and physical infrastructure and orchestrated solutions for the roads of the future. The initiative is working on such areas as signage, road surface markings, telecommunications equipment, ITS/V2X digital services and road safety systems. As private and fleet vehicles evolve towards full autonomy, connected infrastructures will play a key role in safety and usability, especially in high-speed mixed environments where autonomous and conventional vehicles coexist.

The mobility of the future

“We are very pleased to welcome Capgemini into the AIVIA project,” said Andrés Sacristán, CEO of Cintra. “AIVIA connected corridors will increase road safety for users by facilitating interactions between autonomous and conventional vehicles in high-density, high-speed urban corridors. Connected corridors will reduce travel times and congestion while delivering 5G broadband services along our roads,” he concluded.

“Ferrovial is constantly innovating in the development of sustainable infrastructure and we are proud that Cintra is at the forefront of digital road technology with an initiative of the caliber of AIVIA, which is agglutinating the expertise of companies in the automotive industry and mobility with technologies such as 5G, AI and IoT. This initiative offers a long-term vision of the development of orchestrated, connected corridors, combining upgrades to the physical infrastructure with the latest technologies in 5G connectivity to increase user safety and open up to the autonomous connected vehicles of the future,” said Dimitris Bountolos, Ferrovial’s Chief Information Systems and Innovation Officer.

AIVIA will implement high-speed technologies in mixed traffic flows to improve the experience and safety of road users and the personnel who maintain them.

“Capgemini is delighted to become part of the AIVIA project, along with other leading industry players. Together, we can effect the digital transformation of our roads through 5G and AI. This will enable us to deliver more safety and provide online entertainment to travelers,” said Luis Abad, CEO of Capgemini.

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