
Ferrovial is one of the most sustainable companies in its sector worldwide according to Dow Jones Sustainability Index

  • It has held its position as one of the 4 most sustainable companies in the Construction and Engineering sector
  • It has been part of the DJSI for 19 years

Ferrovial has been ranked as one of the most sustainable companies in the construction and engineering sector, according to the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI). The index, which is managed by the S&P Global agency, is the most prestigious worldwide in terms of sustainability. This year, four companies make up the global index, while Europe’s has two.

This position is determined by the company’s strength in terms of its environmental, social, and economic performance. This is what has landed us on the DJSI for 19 years. Ferrovial’s score received the highest rating in its sector in environmental and social reporting, resource conservation and resource efficiency, and climate strategy, to name a few.

The company’s efforts in this scope have also been recognized by other indices, including FTSE4Good (and its Spanish analog, FTSE4Good IBEX,), CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project), STOXX, MSCI, Vigeo, and ISS.

A company with strong commitments

In its deep commitment to sustainability, Ferrovial is aiming to coordinate all of its actions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, being the first company recognized by AENOR for having its sustainability strategy certified with the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This certification recognizes steps addressing climate change, which are also backed by the launch of the new Strategic Sustainability Plan.

Ferrovial has been developing an extensive social infrastructures program for more than 10 years. This year, due to the public health crisis, the company has made a significant effort to help alleviate the effects of COVID-19 in the countries in which it operates. Through the “Ferrovial Together COVID-19” fund, the company has donated €8.69 million to entities fighting the pandemic from social, health, and research fields.

Moreover, following its firm commitment to its corporate integrity, it develops an active policy which includes programs with the best compliance practices for the prevention of fraud or bad practices. Recently, the company launched a new ethics channel aimed at promoting responsible behavior among employees and suppliers. Among the new contributions it is making, the tool allows traceability of the matters that are communicated to the Compliance department.

Recognized by a world leader

Created in 1999, the Dow Jones indices are global leaders in recognizing companies that do an outstanding job in conducting their activities responsibly. Approximately 2,500 companies are eligible to appear on this worldwide index. Of them, only 10% are included on the Dow Jones World Sustainability Index after S&P Global’s exhaustive analysis.



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