
Ferrovial is considered the most trusted Spanish construction company in Colombia

  • Ferrovial ranks as the leading, most trustworthy Spanish construction company in Colombia and seventh among the companies in the observatory.
  • Recognized, respected, credible, and valued, as well as highly prestigious and trustworthy: this is how Spanish companies are viewed among young university students in Colombia.
  • Innovation, Technology, and Experience are the three most outstanding contributions that Spanish companies make to this South American country, along with opportunities for economic development.

The iTrust Country Brand Intelligence‘s study recognizes Ferrovial as the most trusted Spanish construction company in Colombia. This is evidenced by the results of the first report by the MESIAS Observatory for Spanish Companies’ International Image. This was presented at ICADE – Comillas Pontifical University, along with ICEX Spain Export and Investments and the MESIAS Institute – Brand Intelligence Spain.

The event was inaugurated by Elisa Carbonell, the general director of internationalization at the ICEX company, along with Félix García-Giralda, the president of ICEX Alumni; Javier Márquez, Sub-Dean of Institutional Relations and Research at ICADE, recognized the Spanish Companies that are most trusted in Colombia. Thus, the ‘Trusted Companies’ and ‘Trusted Brands’ distinctions were presented to representatives from Mapfre, Iberia, Ferrovial, Air Europa, and OHLA, companies that are renowned for their good practices in the Latin American market.

Results of the MESIAS Observatory for Spanish Companies’ International Image

The top 10 ranking of Spanish brands that are most trusted in Colombia is led by BBVA, followed by Zara and Repsol, which came in third. Ferrovial is in seventh place in the study.

The observatory, which aims to monitor the image and international reputation of Spanish companies in markets where they are present, shows that Spanish companies are recognized in the South American country as companies with good images and that they contribute to improving the country with their presence and activity.

Seven out of ten young Colombian university students consider Spanish companies to be highly recognizable and respected, to have a good reputation, to be credible, and to be valued by society as a whole and by the business sector in particular.

Generally speaking, respondents in Colombia perceive Spanish companies as prestigious (67.42 points out of 100) and having a good image (66.07 points), notably innovative (67.09 points), progressive in terms of technology (67.55 points) and in management (67.55 points), and trustworthy (67.12 points), as well as offering a quality image (67.52 points).

You can see the full report here.

About ‘The Image of the Spanish Company and its Managers in Colombia’ study

The study gathered opinions of students, teachers, and researchers in the areas of Economics, Business Administration and Management, and Marketing, as well as related fields. There were two strategic groups, consisting of future directors and executives and of influencers who will help shape the image of Spanish Companies.

The research was coordinated in Colombia by Aspromer, the association that links universities with marketing programs and, in its development, with collaboration from researchers from the University of Nariño, the Universidad del Área Andina, the Coast University, the Universidad Autónoma de Occidente, and the University of Manizales.

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