In its commitment to the fight to combat climate change, Ferrovial is supporting the initiative “1 million commitments to climate”, which is being promoted by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and the Environment, Ecodes, the Biodiversity Foundation, and the Spanish Office for Climate Change (OECC).
The initiative aims to amass 1 million commitments to climate, in order to highlight the importance of the efforts on the part of the public, enterprises and those institutions committed to taking action against climate change.
It is as such that Ferrovial has joined this initiative, bringing on board its current commitment to reducing its carbon footprint with a 21.3% drop in emissions with regard Net Business Revenue (T CO2eq/€m) for 2020 compared to its base year 2009, and invites each and every one of its employees to join in with their own personal commitment… According to Valentín Alfaya, Ferrovial’s Quality and Environment Manager: “The fight against climate change is not just a matter for governments and companies; individual decisions carry a lot of weight. Factors such as the way we get to work, keep our homes warm or cool, or how we manage our domestic waste are key to reducing carbon emissions on a global scale.”
The initiative puts forward 80 actions to change domestic habits, with the aim of getting practices to combat climate change to spread throughout the entire fabric of Spanish society. Some of these actions are as simple as turning off lights, minimising the use of stand-by modes, or using the stairs instead of the lift.
To date, more than 2,000 commitments to combat climate change have been recorded. You can find more information by visiting the project website.
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Paris
The results of this initiative will be presented at the end of 2015 at the 21st Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP21) in Paris. This forum, which will bring together the representatives of 198 countries, will make it possible for a new international climate agreement to be reached to replace the Kyoto Protocol and ensure a sufficiently ambitious reduction of emissions to avoid ecological, economic and social climate change impacts.
Furthermore, we are supporting the Project on the Ferrovial blog with tips for making small-scale changes.