Ferrovial is recognized across the world as a market-leading, global organization that stands out for its commitment to reducing the environmental impact of its activities. Nevertheless, the company is constantly looking to improve its processes, help shape the future trends in this field, and innovating to drive business benefits while preventing detrimental effects to the environment.
Ferrovial understands it has a responsibility to make a positive contribution to the sustainability agenda and believes the best way to fight emissions is to eradicate the source, yet has also introduced a compensation project which starts by indentifying and classifying emissions. During 2008, several important milestones in this area were achieved, including:
- A new Quality and Environment Policy, adapted to the new profile of the group, after several important acquisitions
- ISO 14001 certification for its Spanish toll roads
- First phase of the group-wide Greenhouse Gas Emission Compensation project
Objectives for 2009-2012
Over the next few years, the Group is committed to delivering several key environment objectives which support and complement its business activities. A procedure for calculating the carbon footprint was designed, and the next phase will define measuring systems and the most efficient reporting methods.
Ferrovial took the decision to establish Scope 1 and Scope 2 reporting, although some of the Group’s companies already have Scope 3 data. Once the reports are unified, it will be possible to track the evolution of the companys emissions and thus ensure the effectiveness of the measures introduced.
The objective across the company include the following:
- To launch the carbon footprint calculation procedure worldwide and have it verified by an independent source.
- To implement a strategy to reduce Ferrovial’s global carbon footprint
- To reduce CO2 emissions by 15% from the 1990 reference level. In a second phase (by 2020) this reduction will increase to 30%
- Gradual implementation of the Employee Mobility Plan for all structural employees, by introducing initiatives that promote lift sharing and alternative modes of transport such as bicycles for travelling to work
- Consolidation of the Environmental Performance Index (EPI) across Ferrovial’s Services division.
- Reduce the quantity of waste disposed of in landfills by 56 million m3
Ferrovial’s affliate companies are currently mapping and assessing their carbon footprints on a world-wide basis. In particular, the Group is involved in accurately determining its current UK footprint so as to facilitate transparency and set meaningful environmental objectives over the medium and long-term.
The sources of emissions have already been identified, and the reporting scope defined.
For a deeper understanding of what the Group’s different businesses are doing in this area, please take a look at the various links displayed below: