Major construction commences at Pacifico


Sod Turn

Earlier today, Wednesday 17th December 2014 a traditional sod turning ceremony was held on the Pacifico site in Macksville, located on the North Coast of NSW. The sod turning is a significant milestone and marks the commencement of major construction on the 20km upgrade of the Pacific Highway from Warrell Creek to Nambucca Heads.

Guillermo Ripado, jefe de proyecto; Manuel Gil, jefe de construcción; Chris Clark, representante de RMS; y Wes Stevenson, director general en funciones de la Autopista del Pacífico.

Guillermo Ripado, jefe de proyecto; Manuel Gil,
jefe de construcción; Chris Clark, representante
de RMS; y Wes Stevenson, director general
en funciones de la Autopista del Pacífico.

The project received approval of the Project CEMP, EPL and EPBC in record time, which will help to ensure 2015 is a productive and rewarding year. It’s an $830 million design and build contract awarded by Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) to Pacifico, an Acciona Ferrovial Joint Venture. The scope of work includes an upgrade the existing highway to a four lane divided carriageway between the Allgomera deviation, south of Warrell Creek and Nambucca Heads, just south of the railway line.
This project will include interchanges north and south of Macksville and at Warrell Creek and new bridges over Warrell Creek and the Nambucca River and will improve road safety. Construction work will commence immediately with boundary fencing, establishment of a site compound, utilities relocation and installation of erosion and sediment control fencing in preparation for clearing and grubbing works.


Pacifico welcomed Wes Stevenson, Acting General Manager of the Pacific Highway, Luke Hartsuyker, Federal member for Cowper and Assistant Minister for Employment, Melinda Pavey, Member of the Legislative Council and Parliamentary Secretary for Regional and Rural Health and Michael Coulter, General Manager of Nambucca Shire Council with the welcome to country conducted by Martin Ballangarry.


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